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Contribute to our cause.

100% of your contribution is directly provided to our various programs, or one of your choice! Read below for more information about giving options and our focal points of funding. All contributions are tax deductible; contact us for donation invoices!


Primary Programs


Kraft Kits

Contribute to our local programs through subsidizing our delivery and supplies expenses, along with expanding our reach to more states and countries. 


Upcoming Events

2021’s outlook for hosting carnivals and movie nights is much brighter than 2020–consider earmarking your donation for upcoming events to include accommodations and services.


Inclusion Africa

Support our partners in rural communities globally by funding pandemic relief, training, and technology. Just $20 can buy a month’s worth of masks and sanitizer. 


Training & Curriculum

Pursuing open-source platforms like Udemy or Coursera, translating curriculum, and printing our guides for developing organizations requires extensive funding. 

Giving Options


“Unitopia Incorporated” is currently on Benevity and BrightFunds, two donation matching platforms used by most companies. Email us for more information!


GoFundMe donations have predetermined earmarking: 60% for our local programs and 40% for international initiatives. Click the GoFundMe logo to access the fundraiser!


You can hand us checks/cash during Kraft Kit deliveries or our events. Unsure about safety? Email us to mail your check or send cash instead! 


When donating through Paypal, make sure to add a note to contribute to one of the programs listed above. Click the logo to access the donation page!

Considering donating and have questions or concerns? Contact us! 

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